5th time in a row: EuroEyes is world champion in the implantation of trifocal lenses

5th time in a row: EuroEyes is world champion in the implantation of trifocal lenses


For the fifth time in a row, EuroEyes has been crowned world champion in trifocal lens implantation. With the successful performance of more than 500,000 eye operations worldwide and more than 50,000 trifocal lens operations, EuroEyes demonstrates its expertise in the field of trifocal lens implantation.

Dr. Jørn Jørgensen, founder and CEO of EuroEyes, has successfully performed more than 100,000 eye surgeries, making him one of the most experienced eye surgeons worldwide. The EuroEyes CEO has over 30 years of experience in eye surgery and is a pioneer in the field of refractive surgery and cataract surgery in Germany, Denmark and China.

Enjoy life without glasses – possible with trifocal lenses. Treatment with trifocal lenses is a first-class method for correcting presbyopia and offers lifelong freedom from glasses. Trifocal lenses, the latest generation of multifocal lenses, are highly developed artificial lenses. In contrast to multifocal lenses, trifocal lenses have an intermediate focus in addition to the focus in the distance and near. The intermediate range is the visual range that is used for computer work and is frequently used in everyday life – whether it is recognizing small print, reading from a phone screen or reading a newspaper. The use of trifocal lenses enables vision at different distances without glasses.

EuroEyes is the right partner for you: in 2019 EuroEyes performed the most trifocal lens implantations worldwide.

Dr. Jørn Jørgensen about trifocal lenses: “It is a mature technology that has been clinically proven in Europe and can cure the problem of presbyopia. We believe that the femtosecond laser in combination with trifocal lens surgery will finally enable people to see better”.

About EuroEyes

The EuroEyes Clinic Group is a globally successful company that was founded 26 years ago in Hamburg and has its headquarters there until today. In addition to locations throughout Germany, EuroEyes is also represented in China and Denmark. The company offers patients the full range of refractive surgery for the correction of visual disorders. Using state-of-the-art eye laser and lens surgery procedures, EuroEyes treats more than 25,000 patients each year with nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, presbyopia or cataract. The treatment enables the start of a life free of glasses and contact lenses without any impairment of visual quality.

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+49 40 348 09 29 0 – service center in Germany (English, German and Chinese)

Monday to Friday: 08:00 – 20:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 14:00