Born 1974 in Munich
General humanistic education Karlsgymnasium Munich-Pasing
Since 2012 co-founder and medical director of MVZ Ophthalmologikum
Dr. Peter Galambos through his many years of experience in the field of refractive surgery at the EuroEyes clinic group, especially in the field of laser eye surgery, is available to help and advise patients even with difficult questions.

1994-2002 Medical studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) in Munich, University College London Medical School in London and Harvard Medical School in Boston
2002 Completed thesis on “Immunotherapy of pancreatic cancer: Establishment of an in vitro – Models for the development of a tumor-vaccine on the basis of Tumorzelllysat-pulsed on dendritic cells”
2003 Observership Moorfields Eye Hospital, London
2003-2008 Residency at the University Eye Clinic Hamburg, UKE
2008-2010 Specialist in Ophthalmology with focus on oculoplastic and refractive surgery at the University Eye Clinic Hamburg, UKE
2009 Co-founder of the interdisciplinary Orbita-Zentrums at UKE
2010-2012 Chief physician and divisional director of oculoplastic reconstructive and anesthetic surgery at the University Eye Clinic Hamburg, UKE
2005-2012 Lecturer at the University Eye Clinic Hamburg Hamburg, UKE
2008-2012 Refractive surgeon at the Care Vision Laserzentrum Hamburg
Since 2012 co-founder and medical director of MVZ Ophthalmologikum. Working as a resident ophthalmologist at the Othmarschen Eye Center:
since 2012 “Aesthetic Lid Surgery in the Ophthalmological Center” with a focus on outpatient upper and lower eyelid tightening with the modern CO2 laser procedure:
More than 10,000 Eye Surgeries
„Certificate for special plastic-reconstructive and anesthetic surgery in the ophthalmology“ the German Ophthalmological Society (DOG) and Professional Association of Ophthalmologists, Germany (BVA)
„Certificate for oculoplastic anesthetic surgery“ the Association of German Ophthalmic Surgeons (BDOC)
Certificate „Specialist knowledge for representatives of laser safety and surgeons that medically utilize the laser technique“
1993-1994 study of philosophy, Philosophical Faculty SJ in Munich
2002-2003 Visiting Associate in the Health Care Practice of the management consultancy “The Boston Consulting Group”
Member of the KRC (German Commission for Refractive Surgery) User list
German Ophthalmological Society (DOG)
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
European Society for Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ESOPRS)
Professional Association of Ophthalmologists, Germany (BVA)
Union of North German Ophthalmologists (VNA)
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