Born in Haderslev/ Denmark
Married, has one son
CEO the EuroEyes Clinic Group (Germany, China)
Dr. med. Jørn S. Jørgensen
The founder, chairman, executive Director and CEO of the Euro Eyes clinic group, Dr. Jørn Slot Jørgensen is regarded one of the leading authorities in the field of refractive surgery. The Euro Eyes Eye Laser Clinic in Hamburg as well as the entire EuroEyes clinic group, is subject to his medical management and is considered to be an extremely competent point of contact for laser eye and cataract patients.

Dr. Jørn S. Jørgensen – ophthalmologist with more than 30 years of experience as a senior physician.
In 1990 he was the first in Hamburg to introduce cataract surgery and phacoemulsification as an outpatient procedure. In 1993, he was the first to introduce LASIK in Hamburg.
In 1993 he established EuroEyes in Hamburg and between 1993-2022 EuroEyes opened eye clinics in Germanys (20 clinics), Denmark (5 clinics) and UK (2 clinics).
In 2013 EuroEyes was the first foreign clinic group to open an eye clinic in Shanghai, China. Until 2022 – eight EuroEyes Clinics were opened in Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou. Chengdu and Chongqing.
In October 2019, Dr. Jørgensen announced the listing (IPO) of EuroEyes shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange – being the first German company to be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.
Dr. Jørgensen is CEO, medical director and Chairman of the EuroEyes International Group.
In October 2020, Dr. Jørgensen was elected as a member of The International Intraocular-Implant Club (IIIC)
January 2022 saw the acquisition of the London Vision Clinic (medical director Prof. Dan Reinstein), which was integrated into the EuroEyes Group.
Dr. Jørgensen established the EuroEyes International Medical Advisory Board (Prof Auffahrt, Heidelberg, Prof Dick, Dortmund, Prof Knorz, Mannheim, PD Dr. Lerche, Hamburg, Prof Neuhann, München, Prof. Reinstein, London, Prof Yaoke , Hangzhou China)
Dr. Jørgensen implanted most ICL lenses in Europe and most Zeiss trifocal lenses (treatment of presbyopia) worldwide. Dr. Jorgensen performs all laser vision correction and lens procedures and has done more than 75,000 Cataract and clear lens procedures.
Medical Degree from University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark
Basic Training in Medicine and Surgery, Norway
Residency Training at the University Eye Clinic Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
Medical Specialist since 1986
Assistant Chief Physician at the University Eye Clinic in Copenhagen, Denmark
Chief Physician at Kantonal-Spital in St. Gallen, Switzerland
Chief Physician at the main Hospital in Bremen, Germany
Chief Physician at the private Eye Clinic Navarro in Gijón and Oviedo, Spain
Solid training in Refractive surgery at the Newman-Eye-Institute in Deland, Florida
Since 1992 established ophthalmologist in Hamburg, Germany
full spectrum of refractive and intraocular surgery
more than 80,000 independently performed eye surgeries, mainly cataract and glaucoma treatments
more than 100,000 independently performed Eye Laser treatments since 1993
Is the most experience in the field of the surgical treatment of presbyopia, having completed over 40.000 Multifocal (Trifocal) Lens implantations in Germany
most ICL operations in Europe
most trifocal surgeries in Europe
1993 EuroEyes Laser Eye Center Hamburg
1993 EuroEyes Laser Eye Center München
1997 EuroEyesnbsp;Laser Eye Center Kopenhagen
2000 EuroEyes Laser Eye Center Berlin
2001 EuroEyes Laser Eye Center Leipzig
2002 EuroEyes Laser Eye Center Oberhausen
2003 EuroEyes Laser Eye Center Stuttgart
2004 EuroEyes Laser Eye Center Hannover
2006 EuroEyes Laser Eye Center & Augenklinik Düsseldorf
2007 EuroEyes Laser Eye Center Lübeck
2009 EuroEyes Laser Eye Center Bremen
2009 EuroEyes Laser Eye Center Dresden
2009 EuroEyes Examination Center Augsburg
2009 EuroEyes Examination Center Frauenplatz
2009 EuroEyes Laser Eye Center Aarhus
2009 EuroEyes Consultation Center Herning
2010 EuroEyes Examination Center Oldenburg
2010 EuroEyes Laser Eye Center Frankfurt
2013 EuroEyes Laser Eye Center Aalborg
2013 EuroEyes lays the foundation of a location in China as the very first foreign entrant (except for those from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) to the PRC vision correction services market. The first clinic in China was in Shanghai the east Chinese financial metropolis.
2014 EuroEyes Consultation Center Esbjerg
2015 EuroEyes Clinic Beijing (West)
2016 EuroEyes Clinic Guangzhou
2016 EuroEyes Clinic Shenzhen
2018 EuroEyes Clinic Hangzhou
2019 EuroEyes Clinic Beijing (East)
2021 EuroEyes Clinic Chongqing
2022 EuroEyes Clinic Chengdu
1990 Introduction of outpatient performed cataract surgery as well as small-incision technique (Phacoemulsification) in Hamburg
1990 First in Hamburg to carry out out-patient cataract surgery
1991 Introduction of the No-Stitch Technique in cataract surgeries in Hamburg
1993 Introduction of the LASIK Method for correction of visual disorders using laser treatment in Hamburg
1998 Introduction of the Topical anesthesia in cataract surgery
1998 Introduction of the implantation of Phakic Lenses (ICL) in Hamburg
2001 First in Hamburg to introduce wavefront-guided LASIK
2004 Introduction of the Femto-LASIK combined with the implant of intraocular rings in Germany
2009 Introduction of the “Phakic Intraocular Lens Acrysof” for treating nearsightedness
2006 Co-founder of LASIK-TÜV in Germany. The seal of approval serves as a guide to the patients when selecting a professional LASIK clinic. It certifies the highest possible quality standards according to the strictest criteria.
2010 Introduction of the INTRACOR-treatment for treating presbyopia in Northern Germany
2011 Introduction of the LenSx Femtosecond-Infrared-Laser from Alcon. The Alcon LenSx is the first Femtosecond-Infrared-Laser, ever to be utilized in the refractive lens surgery
2012 Implantation of the new trifocal lens for treating presbyopia and cataracts in Hamburg
2012 Implantation of KAMRA Inlay
2014 Introduction of the ReLEx smile treatment with the femtosecond laser VisuMax from Carl Zeiss in Munich, Hamburg and Berlin
Author of numerous scientific publications, and was awarded the Hans-Sautter Award
2002 Appraiser for the arbitration body for medical malpractice issues in northern German Medical Association
2004 President of the VSDAR
The respected consumer magazine “Guter Rat” (Good Advice) rates Dr Jørgensen as one of the top doctors in Germany in 2008.
2010 granted the ICLTM Award for having carried out more than 1,200 successful ICL-Implants. Thus Dr. Jørn Jørgensen, alongside his international top position in the laser eye treatment, is also one of the most experienced surgeons for lens implantation in Germany.
2010 granted the certificate „Leading Medicine Germany“ for his many years of medical services in the field of ophthalmology. The Leading Medicine Guide has made it its task to inform patients both in Germany and abroad about the performance of top German medicine.
2012 two ICL ™ Awards for the highest number of ICL surgeries worldwide. Awarded during the 9th International Visian ICL ® Expert Symposium in Milan organised by Staar Surgical in the highest category for “outstanding achievements in the field of lens surgery”.
2014-2017 most Trifocal Lenses implanted worldwide (Zeiss)
2017 most ICL Operations in Europe
2017 most ReLEx smile eye laser surgeries in Germany
2020: In October 2020, Dr. Jørn S. Jørgensen will be elected as a member of the International Intraocular-Implant Club (IIIC).
2022: Awarded two ICL™ Awards for the most implanted intraocular lenses worldwide in Europe and Germany. The ICL- Award 2021 in the highest category for “outstanding achievements in lens surgery” went to Dr. Jørn S. Jørgensen. Award for the most implanted Zeiss trifocal lenses worldwide.
2004 the Hamburger Morgenpost: „The Laser-Pope of the Elbe. Dr. Jørn Jørgensen helps the inhabitants of Hamburg to see things clearer” lists him as one of the best laser eye specialists that Europe has to offer
2007 the newspaper Schümanns Hamburger: „The Dane with the Vision“ elects Dr. Jørn Jørgensen as the only Top-Specialist Ophthalmologist in Hamburg
2007 der Stern: „ Improved Vision“ rates LASIK-TÜV as the Quality mark, that serves as a guideline for the selection of professional LASIK clinics
2008 Hamburg’s successful local television Hamburg 1 invites Dr. Jørn Jørgensen to their morning show “Frühcafé”
The respected consumer magazine “Guter Rat” (Good Advice) rates Dr Jørgensen as one of the top doctors in Germany in 2008.
2010 die BILD for the Theme: „Improved Vision“ elects Dr. Jørn Jørgensen as Hamburg’s Top-Expert
2010 the news magazine Focus includes Dr. Jørn Jørgensen in the list of Germany’s Top Medical Experts
Recommendation from the “FOCUS” Best Doctors List as “Experts for Refraktive and Cataract Surgery” annually since 2011.
1991 “Cataract-Surgery as Outpatient Surgery”
1992 “Present state of Cataract Surgery and Trends in Refractive Surgery “
1995 “Symposium and Workshop on LASIK”
1996 “Outpatient Surgery in Ophthalmology”
1997 “LASIK: The way to go” in Copenhagen”
1998 “Current Trends in the Ophthalmology and Professional Policies “
2003 “Present state of Refractive Surgery & Co-Management”
2005 “New Perspectives in the Refractive Surgery and Co-Management”
2006 “Surgical correction of vision disorders with Laser and Intraocular lenses”
2010 Organizer and main speaker at the largest international conference in Scandinavia for Refractive Surgery
Scientific Lectures and Seminars at the annual International Congress of German Ophthalmic Surgeons (DOC) in Nürnberg, Germany
American Society of Ophthalmology (AAO)
American Society of Cataract and Refractiv Surgery (ASCRS)
European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS)
Berufsverband der Augenärzte Deutschlands e.V. (BVA) (Professional Association of German Ophthalmologists)
Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft (DOG) (German Ophthalmological Society)
The Danish Ophthalmological Society
Bundesverband Deutscher OphthalmoChirurgen e.V. (BDOC) (Federal Association of German Ophthalmic Surgeons)
Member of the Executive Committee of VSDAR (Association of Special Clinics in Germany for Eye Laser and Refractive Surgery)
2003 Elected Vice President of the Organization of German Specialty Clinics for Eye Laser and Refractive Surgery e.V. (VSDAR – Verband der Spezialkliniken Deutschlands für Augenlaser und Refraktive Chirurgie e.V.)
2004 Elected President of the Organization of German Specialty Clinics for Eye Laser and Refractive Surgery e.V. (VSDAR – Verband der Spezialkliniken Deutschlands für Augenlaser und Refraktive Chirurgie e.V.)
2006 Member of the Medical Advisory Board (scientific advisor to the American laser producer Intralase)
Since 2002: Expert of the arbitration board for medical liability issues of the North German Medical Association
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