1987 Attainment of general higher education entrance at the Kieler Gelehrten Schule
1987-1988 Stay abroad in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA
1988-1989 Study of Pharmacy at the Phillipps University in Marburg
Dr. med. Inken Lamcke is the Medical Director of EuroEyes Laser Eye Center Berlin and has already been working with EuroEyes since 2000. The area of expertise of the experienced eye surgeon and specialist in ophthalmology is refractive surgery.

1988-1994 at der Freien Universität Berlin
Obtained the doctorate under Prof. Dr. Härle 1996 and Prof. Dr. J.H. Wolf in Kiel. Dissertation theme: “The historical development of language-improving surgeries and actions with cleft lip or cleft palates of 300 BC. until today “
1995-1997 Eye Clinic Bellevue, Prof. Uthoff
1997-2000 Schlossparkklinik Berlin, with Prof. Bleckmann
2000 Examination for Ophthalmologist
2000 Establishment in her own practice as an an ophthalmologist at the Sony Center
2007-2011 Medical Director of the Laser Eye Center EuroEyes Kurfürstendamm
since 2000 Medical Director of the Laser Eye Center EuroEyes im Sonycenter
since 2000 surgical laser treatments to treat nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism (LASIK, PRK) in the EuroEyes Laser Eye Center Berlin. ReLEx smile, femtosecond laser, wavefront guided Lasik, PRK, Lasek, PTK
Pediatric Cardiology of the Royal Childrens Hospital, University of Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Eye Hospital des Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, Australia
Komission Refraktive Chirurgie (KRC) (the German Committee for Refractive Surgery)
Member of the KRC user list of Verbands der Spezialkliniken Deutschlands für Refraktive Chirurgie (VSDAR) (Association of Special Clinics in Germany for Laser Eye and Refractive Surgery)
Berufsverband der Augenärzte Deutschlands BVA (German Association of Ophthalmologists)
Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft DOG (German Ophthalmological Society)
Verband Berlin Brandenburgische Augenärzte BBAG (Association Berlin Brandenburgische Ophthalmologists)
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