Assistant ophthalmologist at the EuroEyes EyeLaserCenter Hamburg
Ophthalmologist Lusine Vogormian
As an ophthalmology resident, Lusine Vogormian performs pre- and post-operative examinations at the EuroEyes EyeLaserCenter Hamburg.

born 1990 in Armenia / Vanadzor
2008 – 2012 Studies Kursk State Medical University, Kursk, Russia
2012 – 2014 Staatliche Medizinische Universität Eriwan, Eriwan, Armenia
2012 Internship physician in the urology department of BSMP hospital in Kursk, Russia
2012 Internship physician in gynecology and obstetrics of BSMP hospital in Kursk, Russia
2013 Internship in ophthalmology at the University Hospital Krakow, Poland (IFMSA – International Federation of Medical Student’s Association)
2014 – 2017 Resident in Ophthalmology Eye Hospital S.V. Malayan, Erevan, Armenia (ophthalmological diagnostics and therapy).
2015 – 2016 Internship in ophthalmology, PD. Dr. med. U. Schaudig, Asklepios Klinik Barmbek, Hamburg
Oct. 2016 Internship at the Oculoplasty – Estetica clinic at Spitaler Hof, Hamburg, Germany
2017 Visiting Scientist in Research at the Clinic and Polyclinic for Ophthalmology Head and Neurocentre of the UKE University Hospital Hamburg – Eppendorf
2017 Guest physician – Dr. F. Zeidan, Ärztehaus Hamburg, Germany
2018 SOE grant award, internship at the Oculoplastic Department – Estetica Clinic at Spitaler Hof, Hamburg
2018 Gastärztin im Oculoplasty Department Victoria Parade Eye Hospital, Melbourne, Australien
2018 Observation at the medical center, Dr. F. Zeidan, Hamburg
Since 2019 Resident in ophthalmology at the EuroEyes group of clinics in Hamburg.
2014 – MD physician on speciality General Medicine
2017 – Armenian ophthalmology residency (three-year residency).
2016 Malayan A.S., Gharakeshishyan A.F., Vogormian L.K., Onkonyan N.G., Ordyan M.E. „Propranolol treatment of capillary hemangioma of the orbit and eyelids“ Bjshkutyun (Armenian medical journal) June. 21; 36-39.
2017 Malayan A.S., Gharakeshishyan A.F., Vogormian L.K., „Melanoma of the eyelids. Far results of the surgical treatment“. International conference. Modern aspects of rehabilitation in Medicine, September 2017, 13; 163-168.
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