Janine Frohloff, 27, the model

Patients Testimonials: “All of the sudden I felt so much more comfortable in my own skin“

Janine Frohloff, 27, model


Janine Frohloff spent most of her childhood happy and without any need of glasses. At the age of 11, however, a regular eye test revealed a slight short-sightedness. Her first choice: contact lenses. They were not disturbing and, most important, not visible.

Wearing glasses? Not really!

When Janine couldn’t tolerate the contact lenses after a few years, she had to get used to wearing glasses. It never really worked: “With the glasses I have restricted myself and felt unattractive.”
The freelance model can only be photographed without glasses, the necessary accessory is annoying and not welcome at shootings. At the age of 19, Janine Frohloff had reached the point where she wanted to change something – for once and for all.

“My life has improved in so many ways.”

On her research she discovered EuroEyes and was convinced that the laser eye center was the right choice for her. After that, everything happend really fast. Preliminary examination, ReLEx smile treatment on both eyes. “Four hours after the treatment, I could see without any problems. All of a sudden, I felt much more comfortable in my own skin.”
The model is still convinced: “Three years ago I got the laser treatment at EuroEyes and I am incredibly happy and satisfied. My life has improved in so many ways. Anyone who is struggling with vision loss should visit EuroEyes.”

You want a similar experience as Janine Frohloff? Click here to get all the information about the ReLEx smile Treatment.

About EuroEyes Germany

EuroEyes is Germany’s most eminent provider of laser eye treatment, Femto-LASIK, and lens surgeries ( ReLEx smile LASIK, eeLASIK,Femto-LASIK, LASIK, PRK/LASEK, ICL, phakic IOLs, multifocal IOLs (intraocular lenses) and refrative lens exchanges (RLE)).

Numerous eye treatments have been carried out by EuroEyes surgeons since 1993. Our very experienced high volume surgeons always use the latest and most advanced technology. Vision disorders such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia become a problem of the past – thanks to EuroEyes.