Allergy and contact lenses - that itches!
Spring is coming, the pollen is flying, the eyes are itching. Contact lenses irritate the already sore eyes and are in the truest sense of the word unbearable for hay fever. This means that if you have poor eyesight, you only have to wear your glasses so as not to irritate your eyes with hay fever or a pollen allergy. But laser eye treatment can also provide allergy sufferers with great relief and freedom from glasses – without any additional irritation.

It starts every year in spring, sometimes even in February, the pollen season and, according to the Robert Koch Institute, around 15 percent of the population are allergic to the flying plant seeds. Alder and hazel are the beginning. From May onwards, birch pollen, which is particularly common in allergies, will fly and will be replaced by grass pollen from June onwards. Even in August there are still allergy-promoting seeds of gray birch on the way.
According to statistics (as of 2020), there are currently around 3.63 million contact lens wearers and around 18.84 million occasional glasses wearers in Germany over the age of 14. Those who occasionally wear glasses also include people who, because of hay fever symptoms, voluntarily forego contact lenses to protect their eyes during the time when the pollen allergy is strongest.
Itchy, reddened, burning and swollen eyes caused by hay fever are difficult to bear without additional foreign objects such as contact lenses. There are many reasons why you should definitely avoid contact lenses during the hay fever season if you suffer from allergic reactions:
- The typical allergy symptoms can be increased to the point of unbearable.
- Pollen can settle on the contact lenses and get directly into the eye.
- Eye drops that relieve allergy symptoms often loosen parts of the contact lens material that get into the eye and also irritate.
- Contact lenses can cause micro-injuries from rubbing their eyes, which can lead to infection.
- The intensification of redness and irritation can cause permanent damage to the conjunctiva and cornea.
Once the poor eyesight has been permanently remedied, there is no longer any reason to additionally irritate the eyes with contact lenses or to wear glasses during the pollen season. After a successful eye laser treatment, your body only has to deal with the symptoms that are caused by the hay fever or the pollen allergy.
With the appropriate therapies and antihistamines, the pollen season will be much easier for you to cope with and without lasting consequences. In addition, you prevent possible long-term effects that can result from contact lenses on irritated eyes.
Here are more tips for dealing with a pollen allergy.
Benefits for allergy sufferers through permanent eye corrections
Although an eye laser treatment or lens operation cannot cure allergies, it ensures that contact lenses do not clog the eye and glasses become superfluous. The long-term restoration of eyesight not only saves a lot of money, but is also a permanent relief in everyday life. The risks of wearing contact lenses are completely eliminated. There are no annoying pressure points from glasses, nor can you forget or misplace them. There is also no need to fog the glasses by wearing masks.
Which eye correction helps with hay fever and pollen allergy?
Whichever of the modern correction methods your poor eyesight is corrected with, afterwards you only have to struggle with one thing: your hay fever. Contact lenses and glasses will no longer be a disruptive factor.
EuroEyes offer the entire spectrum of so-called refractive surgery – modern and safe methods to have your eyes lasered. Whether the Femto-LASIK, ReLEx smile or the implantation of various lenses such as multifocal or trifocal lenses is the most suitable method for you depends on your age, degree of nearsightedness or farsightedness as well as the astigmatism of the cornea or existing eye diseases. A detailed preliminary discussion with a subsequent preliminary examination and wavefront analysis takes place in order to choose the optimal correction method. A three-dimensional map of the eye with the exact visual impairment to be corrected is determined and the appropriate correction method is selected.
About EuroEyes
The EuroEyes Clinic Group is a globally successful company that was founded over 25 years ago in Hamburg and has its headquarters there to this day. In addition to locations throughout Germany, EuroEyes is also represented in China and Denmark. The clinic offers patients the entire spectrum of refractive surgery for the correction of ametropia. With the most modern eye laser and lens surgery procedures EuroEyes treats over 25,000 patients with myopia or farsightedness, astigmatism,
presbyopia or cataracts every year . The interventions enable the start of a life free of glasses and contact lenses without impairment of vision and quality of vision.
Are you also interested in a treatment at EuroEyes or would you like to find out more about us? Then please contact our service center or fill in our contact form. We look forward to seeing you!
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+49 40 348 09 29 0 – service center in Germany (English, German and Chinese)
Monday to Friday: 08:00 – 19:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 14:00
Sources: Robert Koch Institute –
jsessionid=032B4DCF2B23057E04F58634EA007E7C.internet052 ;
Statista.de –https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/171243/umfrage/
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