EuroEyes Shanghai – Grand gala dinner for former patients

EuroEyes Shanghai - Grand gala dinner for former patients

EuroEyes Annual Ambassadors' Gala Dinner in Shanghai: An evening full of gratitude and joy

Shanghai experienced a special highlight when the prestigious ‘EuroEyes Annual Ambassadors’ Gala Dinner’ took place in the impressive Pudong Art Museum. The event brought together numerous guests who had undergone myopia or presbyopia surgery at EuroEyes many years ago – and are still delighted with their visual results.

The evening’s guests of honour were former patients who had once opted for surgical correction of their defective vision. Many of them took the opportunity to tell their personal stories on stage. With shining eyes, they talked about their operation and the small but important moments when they were able to put their glasses away for good. Their words spoke of pure joy and deep gratitude – a sign of how much the operations have improved their lives. Many of the former patients also brought along their partners and family members, who were keen to find out more about the possibilities of being glasses-free. A large raffle was one of the highlights of the event.


EuroEyes is particularly pleased about the long-term satisfaction of its patients. ‘It is our greatest success when people are still satisfied with their decision after many years,’ said a company spokesperson. The event in Shanghai once again emphasised the high quality of EuroEyes treatments and the deep loyalty of patients to the clinic.

The ‘EuroEyes Annual Ambassadors’ Gala Dinner’ thus remains a tribute to all those who have dared to take the step towards a life without glasses – and have never regretted it.


About EuroEyes

The EuroEyes clinic group is a globally successful company that was founded more than 30 years ago in Hamburg, Germany, where it is still headquartered today. In addition to locations throughout Germany, EuroEyes is also represented in China and Denmark and England. The company offers patients the entire spectrum of refractive surgery to correct refractive errors. Using state-of-the-art laser eye and lens surgery procedures, EuroEyes treats more than 25,000 patients annually with nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, presbyopia or cataracts. Each of our experienced top doctors performs more than 1,000 eye operations every year. In total, with more than 1,000,000 treatments, we have enabled our patients to live with freedom without glasses and contact lenses.  

Are you also interested in a treatment at EuroEyes or would you like to find out more about us? Then please contact our service center or fill out our contact form. We look forward to you!

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+49 40 348 09 29 0 – service center in Germany (English, German and Chinese)

Monday to Friday: 08:00 – 19:00

Saturday: 09:00 – 14:00


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