Laser eye surgeon and ophthalmology specialist at the LaserEyeCenter Berlin
Dr. med. Natalie Minko
Dr. med. Natalie Minko joined EuroEyes in 2024. She is a laser eye surgeon and ophthalmology specialist at the LaserEyeCenter Berlin

1996 – 2003: Studied human medicine at the Humboldt University of Berlin
Practical year: Universidad Valladolid, Spain1996 General higher education entrance qualification Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium, Dinslaken
1994 Honorary Diploma at the Franklin Road Academy Nashville, Tennessee
2006 ‘Prevalence and severity of malnutrition in surgical clinic patients’
Medical Clinic for Gastroenterology at the Charité University Hospital Berlin
Laser surgeon and ophthalmology specialist at Euroeyes in Berlin and Hanover since December 2024
Since September 2024 freelance work at Faceshop Berlin in the field of aesthetic medicine and oculoplastic surgery
August 2018 Certification as a doctor in charge of hygiene (HbÄ) according to the guidelines of the German Medical Association and the Robert Koch Institute
2012 – 2024 Self-employed as a refractive surgeon and ophthalmology specialist at Optical Express in Berlin and Düsseldorf
Surgical specialities: Refractive surgery, oculoplastic surgery, aesthetic medicine
medicine2009 – 2011 Senior consultant at the university outpatient clinic for ophthalmology, Charité Campus Virchow
Head of the botulinum consultation, deputy head of oculoplastic surgeryApril 2009 Specialist certification for ophthalmology
2003 – 2009 Further training as a specialist in ophthalmology at the Clinic and Polyclinic for
Ophthalmology at the Charité
Campus Virchow-Klinikum
Medical Faculty of the Humboldt University of Berlin
Listed user of the KRC (Commission for Refractive Surgery) since 2012
2018 Obtaining the qualification as a doctor in charge of hygiene (HBÄ)
Experience with the use of botulinum toxin A and hyaluronic acid products for aesthetic wrinkle treatment since 2003
Regular participation in national and international congresses
KRC – KRC – Kommision für Refraktive Chirurgie (Commission for Refractive Surgery)
DOG – Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft (German Ophthalmological Society)
DOG – Sektion Ophthalmoplastische und rekonstruktive Chirurgie (Section Ophthalmoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery)
BVA – Berufsverband der Augenärzte Deutschlands e.V. (Professional Association of Ophthalmologists in Germany)
Minko N: Oberlidblepharoplastik mit dem CO2-Laser.
Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2014 Jan;231(1):28-31Bertelmann E, Minko N, Torun N: Glaukomanfall nach Hughes-Plastik: Was ist zu tun? Der Opthalmologe 2012 Sep; 109 (9): 897-900
Bertelmann E, Minko N, Lohneis P, Erb K.: Benign Orbital Neoplasms. Klin Monbl
Augenheilkd. 2011 Dec;228(12):1111, 1113-28Bertelmann E, Minko N: Sicherheit der präoperativen Evaluation des pleomorphen Adenoms der Tränendrüse: eine retrospektive Analyse. Klin Monbl
Augenheilkd 2011 Sep 12Bertelmann E, Hartmann C, Minko N.: Intraorbital cavernous hemangiomas: symptoms, diagnostics and surgical approaches.
Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2011 Jan; 228(1):49-53. Epub 2011 Jan 19. GermanPirlich M, Schütz T, Kemps M, Luhman N, Minko N, Lübke HJ, Rossnagel K, Willich SN, Lochs H.: Social risk factors for hospital malnutrition. Nutrition. 2005 Mar; 21(3):295-300.
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