Annual meeting of the International Medical Advisory Board of EuroEyes (IMAB), which explores the frontiers of global ophthalmology
On May 29, 2024, the annual seminar of the International Medical Advisory Board of the EuroEyes Group was successfully held in Chengdu!
In addition to the well-known Dr. Jørgensen and Prof. Knorz, many leading international ophthalmologists such as Prof. Dan Reinstein, Prof. Gerd U. Auffarth, Prof. Ralf-Christian Lerche and Prof. Christopher Liu were also invited to attend the conference.

Dr. Jørn Jørgensen
- Founder and medical director of the EuroEye Eye Group
- Member of the International Intraocular Lens Implantation Consortium (IIIC)
- Multiple awards in the Focus Top Doctors list as “Ophthalmologist of the Year”
- Promotion of cataract surgery in Germany and switch from inpatient to outpatient surgery
Introduction of presbyopia correction surgery in China

Prof. Michael Knorz
- Former President of the International Intraocular Lens Implantation Club
- has significantly set standards for laser myopia correction surgery
- Multiple awards in the Focus Top Doctors list as “Ophthalmologist of the Year”
- Professor of Ophthalmology, University of Heidelberg
- Chief Medical Director von EuroEyes Ophthalmology

Prof. Dr. Dan Reinstein
- Designated consultant for refractive surgery from Carl Zeiss
- Pioneer in corneal measurement technology and instrument development
- Author of the “Full Femtosecond Laser Surgery Guide”
- Key member of the EuroEyes International Medical Advisory Committee
- Pioneering Presbyond LBV fusion vision laser surgery

Prof. Dr. Gerd U. Auffarth
- Key member of the EuroEyes International Medical Advisory Board
- Secretary General of the Executive Board of the German Society for Cataract and Refractive
Surgery (DGII) - Board member of the European Ophthalmological Society for Cataract and Refractive
Surgery (ESCRS) and the German Ophthalmological Society (DOG) - One of the world’s leading experts for intraocular lenses
- Included in the list of “globally influential ophthalmologists” several times

PD Dr. Ralf-Christian Lerche
- Former President of the International Intraocular Lens Implantation Club
- has significantly set standards for laser myopia correction surgery
- Multiple awards in the Focus Top Doctors list as “Ophthalmologist of the Year”
- Professor of Ophthalmology, University of Heidelberg
- Chief Medical Director of EuroEyes Ophthalmology

PD Dr. Ralf-Christian Lerche
- Key member of the EuroEyes International Medical Advisory Committee
- Deputy Medical Director of the EuroEyes Clinic Group
- Medical Director of the EuroEyes Eye Center Hanover
- Member of the German Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgery (DGII)
- Member of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS) and
of the German Academy of Ophthalmology (DOG)

Prof. Dr. Christopher Liu
- Member of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists
- Member of the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh, Great Britain
- Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London, United Kingdom
- Member of the Hong Kong College of Ophthalmology
- Ophthalmologist, decorated with the Order of the British Empire
- Visiting professor at the EuroEyes Hong Kong Eye Center
The correction of myopia and presbyopia has always been the central area of research and a topic that is also of great interest to the industry. At the conference, all the leading minds focused on the latest hotspots in the field of vision correction and organized a high-level academic celebration.
Main topics of the IMAB symposium:
- Clinical cases and data on myopia/presbyopia surgery
- Personalized myopia/presbyopia correction program
- Clinical comparative data on IOLs
- The use of AI technology for vision correction
Impressions of the symposium
Dr. Jørgensen:
In den letzten Jahren haben sich die Lebensgewohnheiten der Menschen verändert, die Alterssichtigkeit hat sich verjüngt, und immer mehr Kurzsichtige haben begonnen, an Alterssichtigkeit zu erkranken, wobei beides gleichzeitig auftritt, so dass Myopie und Presbyopie ein immer häufigeres Problem darstellen.
Ausgehend von diesen Erkenntnissen schlägt Dr. Jørgensen vor, dass “Patienten über 38 Jahren bei einfachen Myopieoperationen vorsichtig sein sollten” und die Möglichkeit in Betracht ziehen sollten, dass kurzsichtige Menschen in einigen Jahren mit einem Verlust des Nahsehens konfrontiert sein könnten, und das Potenzial für Presbyopie im Vorfeld mit einem individuellen und maßgeschneiderten chirurgischen Ansatz angehen sollten.

Prof. Auffarth, Prof. Knorz and Prof. Lerche presented their clinical observations on different trifocal/multifocal lenses.
Prof. Lerche also reported on his clinical case study of the Zeiss trifocal IOL.
Prof. Michael Knorz:
The IMAB has never stopped pursuing cutting-edge technologies.
With the wave of artificial intelligence, ophthalmology also hopes to utilize cutting-edge technology to further reduce errors and improve the precise post-operative visual experience.
Prof. Knorz then shared with his colleagues his experience of using AI ophthalmologists in pre- and post-operative examinations.

The original goal remains unchanged: 30 years of focus on vision correction
In order to help more people eliminate myopia and presbyopia, EuroEyes has continuously researched surgical techniques since its foundation in 1993 and established this international medical committee to discuss and promote the development of refractive technology.
Throughout our 30-year history, we have developed many innovative ideas and advanced ophthalmic techniques.
- Shift of cataract surgery from inpatient to outpatient care.
- Introduction of LASIK laser myopia surgery in Hamburg.
- Clinical application of wavefront aberration-guided laser surgery
- Introduction of the LenSx laser and performance of IOL replacement without incision.
- Optimization of trifocal IOLs for the correction of presbyopia and cataracts and introduction of the procedure in China in 2015
- Introduction of a new technology for the correction of myopia and presbyopia, Presbyond LBV Fusion Vision Laser in China.
True to the concept of “not only seeing, but also seeing clearly”, we will continue to make progress in all areas of vision correction in the future to enable even more spectacle wearers to see clearly.
Following the annual meeting of the Multinational Medical Advisory Committee, the medical team will also be attending the 36th Annual Asia Pacific Congress on Cataract and Refractive Surgery.

About EuroEyes
The EuroEyes clinic group is a globally successful company that was founded more than 30 years ago in Hamburg, Germany, where it is still headquartered today. In addition to locations throughout Germany, EuroEyes is also represented in China and Denmark and England. The company offers patients the entire spectrum of refractive surgery to correct refractive errors. Using state-of-the-art laser eye and lens surgery procedures, EuroEyes treats more than 25,000 patients annually with nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, presbyopia or cataracts. Each of our experienced top doctors performs more than 1,000 eye operations every year. In total, with more than 1,000,000 treatments, we have enabled our patients to live with freedom without glasses and contact lenses.Are you also interested in a treatment at EuroEyes or would you like to find out more about us? Then please contact our service center or fill out our contact form. We look forward to you!
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